Source: index.js

/** @module hcSeedBundle

import _sodium from 'libsodium-wrappers'
import msgpack from 'tiny-msgpack'

const _sodiumCfg = {
  sodiumReady: false

 * Await this promise once before calling functions in this library.
 * @type {Promise}
export const seedBundleReady = _sodium.ready.then(() => {
  _sodiumCfg.sodiumReady = true

 * Internal helper for ensuring the _sodium lib is ready
 * @private
function checkSodiumReady () {
  if (!_sodiumCfg.sodiumReady) {
    throw new Error('seedBundle library not ready. Await "seedBundleReady" first.')

 * Helper class that makes securing secrets easier by hiding them
 * in closures as additional protection against accidental exposure
 * via debugging, etc.
 * Note, when done with this secret, call `zero()` to clear the memory,
 * but be warned that this is javascript, and that is no guarantee
 * against exposure.
 * @private
class PrivSecretBuf {
  constructor (secret) {

    if (!(secret instanceof Uint8Array)) {
      throw new Error('secret must be a Uint8Array')

    if (_sodium.is_zero(secret)) {
      throw new Error('secret cannot be a zeroed Uint8Array')

    // setup some config to track our zero status
    const cfg = {
      didZero: false

    // closure to return secret if not zeroed
    const get = () => {
      if (cfg.didZero) {
        throw new Error('cannot access secret, already zeroed')
      return secret

    // closure to zero our secret
    const zero = () => {
      _sodium.memzero(secret) = true

    // closure to derive an ed25519 signature pubkey from secret
    // if the secret is a passphrase, this will probably fail
    const deriveSignPubKey = () => {
      if (cfg.didZero) {
        throw new Error('cannot access secret, already zeroed')
      if (secret.length !== 32) {
        throw new Error('can only derive secrets of length 32')

      const { publicKey, privateKey } = _sodium.crypto_sign_seed_keypair(secret)
      return _sodium.to_base64(publicKey, _sodium.base64_variants.URLSAFE_NO_PADDING)

    // closure to derive a sub-secret
    // if the secret is a passphrase, this will probably fail
    const derive = (subkeyId) => {
      if (cfg.didZero) {
        throw new Error('cannot access secret, already zeroed')
      if (secret.length !== 32) {
        throw new Error('can only derive secrets of length 32')
      const newSecret = _sodium.crypto_kdf_derive_from_key(32, subkeyId, 'SeedBndl', secret)
      return new PrivSecretBuf(newSecret)

    Object.defineProperties(this, {
      get: { value: get },
      zero: { value: zero },
      deriveSignPubKey: { value: deriveSignPubKey },
      derive: { value: derive }


 * Injest a Uint8Array as an internal secret buffer.
 * Note, this buffer will be zeroed internally.
 * @param {Uint8Array} secret the secret to injest.
 * @returns {PrivSecretBuf}
export function parseSecret (secret) {
  return new PrivSecretBuf(secret)

 * helper to translate limit names into values
 * @private
function privTxLimits (limitName) {
  let opsLimit = _sodium.crypto_pwhash_OPSLIMIT_MODERATE
  let memLimit = _sodium.crypto_pwhash_MEMLIMIT_MODERATE

  if (limitName === 'minimum') {
    opsLimit = _sodium.crypto_pwhash_OPSLIMIT_MIN
    memLimit = _sodium.crypto_pwhash_MEMLIMIT_MIN
  } else if (limitName === 'interactive') {
    opsLimit = _sodium.crypto_pwhash_OPSLIMIT_INTERACTIVE
    memLimit = _sodium.crypto_pwhash_MEMLIMIT_INTERACTIVE
  } else if (limitName === 'sensitive') {
    opsLimit = _sodium.crypto_pwhash_OPSLIMIT_SENSITIVE
    memLimit = _sodium.crypto_pwhash_MEMLIMIT_SENSITIVE
  } else if (!limitName || limitName === 'moderate') {
    /* pass */
  } else {
    throw new Error('invalid limitName: ' + limitName)

  return { opsLimit, memLimit }

 * Base class for concrete SeedCiphers.
export class SeedCipher {
   * Don't use this directly, use a sub-class.
  constructor () {

   * Clear out any secret data maintained by this cipher
  zero () {
    throw new Error(' is not callable on base class')

   * Generate an encrypted seedCipher for given secretSeed
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf} - parseSecret(Uint8Array)
   * @returns {object}
  encryptSeed (secretSeed) {
    throw new Error('SeedCipher.encryptSeed is not callable on base class')

 * Base class for unlocking an encrypted seedCipher.
export class LockedSeedCipher {

   * Don't use this directly, use a sub-class.
  constructor (finishUnlockCb) {

    this.#finishUnlockCb = finishUnlockCb

   * Once the secretSeed is decrypted, subclass instances will call this
   * to generate the actualy UnlockedSeedBundle instance.
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf}
   * @returns {UnlockedSeedBundle}
  finishUnlock (secretSeed) {
    return this.#finishUnlockCb(secretSeed)

 * Straight up pwhashed passphrase type SeedCipher
export class SeedCipherPwHash extends SeedCipher {

   * Build this with
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf} - parseSecret(Uint8Array)
   * @param {string} [limitName] - optional limitName (['interactive', 'moderate' *default*, 'sensitive'])
  constructor (passphrase, limitName) {
    if (!(passphrase instanceof PrivSecretBuf)) {
      throw new Error('passphrase required, construct with parseSecret()')
    this.#passphrase = passphrase
    this.#limitName = limitName

   * Clear secret data
  zero () {

   * Encrypte a secretSeed SeedCipher with this instance.
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf} - parseSecret(Uint8Array)
   * @returns {object}
  encryptSeed (secretSeed) {
    if (!(secretSeed instanceof PrivSecretBuf)) {
      throw new Error('secretSeed must be an internal secret buffer')

    const pwHash = _sodium.crypto_generichash(64, this.#passphrase.get())

    const salt = _sodium.randombytes_buf(16)

    const { opsLimit, memLimit } = privTxLimits(this.#limitName)

    // generate secret from pwhash
    const secret = _sodium.crypto_pwhash(


    // initialize encryption
    const { state, header } = _sodium


    // encrypt our inner secret data
    const cipher = _sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_push(

    return [

function privNormalizeSecurityAnswers (answers) {
  // somehow standard is failing to recognize the usage in the loop
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
  for (const a of answers) {
    if (!(a instanceof PrivSecretBuf)) {
      throw new Error('answer must be construct with parseSecret()')

  // is there a more secure way to do this lcase / trimming / encoding??
  for (let ai = 0; ai < answers.length; ++ai) {
    const s = (new TextDecoder()).decode(answers[ai].get())
    answers[ai] = (new TextEncoder()).encode(s.toLowerCase().trim())
  const total = answers[0].length + answers[1].length + answers[2].length

  const answerBlob = new Uint8Array(total)
  answerBlob.set(answers[1], answers[0].length)
  answerBlob.set(answers[2], answers[0].length + answers[1].length)


  return parseSecret(answerBlob)

 * SeedCipher locked by three security question answers
export class SeedCipherSecurityQuestions extends SeedCipher {

   * Build this with
   * @param {string[]} - 3 security questions
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf[]} - 3 security answers (parseSecret(Uint8Array))
   * @param {string} [limitName] - optional limitName (['interactive', 'moderate' *default*, 'sensitive'])
  constructor (questions, answers, limitName) {
    if (
      !Array.isArray(questions) ||
      !Array.isArray(answers) ||
      questions.length !== 3 ||
      answers.length !== 3
    ) {
      throw new Error('require 3 questions and 3 answers')

    this.#questionList = questions
    this.#answerBlob = privNormalizeSecurityAnswers(answers)
    this.#limitName = limitName

   * Clear secret data
  zero () {

   * Encrypte a secretSeed SeedCipher with this instance.
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf} - parseSecret(Uint8Array)
   * @returns {object}
  encryptSeed (secretSeed) {
    if (!(secretSeed instanceof PrivSecretBuf)) {
      throw new Error('secretSeed must be an internal secret buffer')

    const pwHash = _sodium.crypto_generichash(64, this.#answerBlob.get())

    const salt = _sodium.randombytes_buf(16)

    const { opsLimit, memLimit } = privTxLimits(this.#limitName)

    // generate secret from pwhash
    const secret = _sodium.crypto_pwhash(


    // initialize encryption
    const { state, header } = _sodium


    // encrypt our inner secret data
    const cipher = _sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_push(

    return [

 * Unlock a SeedCipher with a straight forward pwhashed passphrase.
export class LockedSeedCipherPwHash extends LockedSeedCipher {

   * You won't use this directly, call UnlockedSeedBundle.fromLocked()
   * @param {function} - the finishUnlock callback function
   * @param {Uint8Array} - argon salt
   * @param {number} - argon memLimit
   * @param {number} - argon opsLimit
   * @param {Uint8Array} - secretstream header
   * @param {Uint8Array} - secretstream cipher
  constructor (finishUnlockCb, salt, memLimit, opsLimit, header, cipher) {
    this.#salt = salt
    this.#memLimit = memLimit
    this.#opsLimit = opsLimit
    this.#header = header
    this.#cipher = cipher

   * Unlock to an UnlockedSeedBundle
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf} - parseSecret(Uint8Array)
   * @returns {UnlockedSeedBundle}
  unlock (passphrase) {
    if (!(passphrase instanceof PrivSecretBuf)) {
      throw new Error('passphrase required, construct with parseSecret()')

    const pwHash = _sodium.crypto_generichash(64, passphrase.get())

    // generate secret from pwhash
    const secret = _sodium.crypto_pwhash(


    // initialize decryption
    const state = _sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull(


    // finalize decryption
    const res = _sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_pull(state, this.#cipher)
    if (!res) {
      throw new Error('failed to decrypt bundle')
    const { message } = res

    return this.finishUnlock(parseSecret(message))

 * Unlock a SeedCipher with three security question answers.
export class LockedSeedCipherSecurityQuestions extends LockedSeedCipher {

   * You won't use this directly, call UnlockedSeedBundle.fromLocked()
   * @param {function} - the finishUnlock callback function
   * @param {Uint8Array} - argon salt
   * @param {number} - argon memLimit
   * @param {number} - argon opsLimit
   * @param {string[]} - the list of security questions
   * @param {Uint8Array} - secretstream header
   * @param {Uint8Array} - secretstream cipher
  constructor (finishUnlockCb, salt, memLimit, opsLimit, questionList, header, cipher) {
    this.#salt = salt
    this.#memLimit = memLimit
    this.#opsLimit = opsLimit
    this.#questionList = questionList
    this.#header = header
    this.#cipher = cipher

   * List the security questions that should be answered.
   * @returns {string[]}
  getQuestionList () {
    return this.#questionList.slice()

   * Unlock to an UnlockedSeedBundle
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf[]} - 3 security answers (parseSecret(Uint8Array))
   * @returns {UnlockedSeedBundle}
  unlock (answers) {
    if (
      !Array.isArray(answers) ||
      answers.length !== 3
    ) {
      throw new Error('require 3 answers')

    const answerBlob = privNormalizeSecurityAnswers(answers)
    const pwHash = _sodium.crypto_generichash(64, answerBlob.get())

    // generate secret from pwhash
    const secret = _sodium.crypto_pwhash(


    // initialize decryption
    const state = _sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull(


    // finalize decryption
    const res = _sodium.crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_pull(state, this.#cipher)
    if (!res) {
      throw new Error('failed to decrypt bundle')
    const { message } = res

    return this.finishUnlock(parseSecret(message))

 * Represents a seed bundle with access to secret seeds for derivation.
 * WARNING: Before forgetting about an UnlockedKeyBundle instance, you
 * should probably call the `zero` function to clear the internal secret data.
 * HOWEVER, being javascript, there is no guarantee we haven't leaked
 * secret data. You may want to consider using the rust library for seed
 * generation and derivation.
export class UnlockedSeedBundle {
  // the secret buffer is stored here

   * the base64 encoded public key associated with this seed
   * @instance
   * @type {string}

   * any app / user data to provide context for this particular seed
   * @instance
   * @type {object}
  appData = {}

   * You should not use this constructor directly.
   * Use one of:
   *  - `UnlockedKeyBundle.newRandom(appData)`
   *  - `UnlockedKeyBundle.fromLocked(encodedBytes)`
   * WARNING: see class-level note about zeroing / secrets.
   * @param {PrivSecretBuf} - parseSecret(Uint8Array)
   * @param {object} - appData to associate with bundle
  constructor (secret, appData) {

    if (!(secret instanceof PrivSecretBuf)) {
      throw new Error("invalid inner type. use 'newRandom()' or 'fromLocked()'")

    this.#secret = secret
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'signPubKey', {
      value: secret.deriveSignPubKey(),
      writable: false
    if (appData) {
      this.appData = appData

   * Construct a new completely random root seed with given app / user data.
   * WARNING: see class-level note about zeroing / secrets.
   * @param {object} - appData to associate with bundle
   * @returns {UnlockedSeedBundle}
  static newRandom (appData) {
    const secret = parseSecret(_sodium.randombytes_buf(32))
    return new UnlockedSeedBundle(secret, appData)

   * Extract the LockedSeedCipher list capable of decrypting
   * an UnlockedSeedBundle from an encrypted SeedBundle.
   * WARNING: see class-level note about zeroing / secrets.
   * @param {Uint8Array} - encoded bytes to decode / decrypt
   * @returns {LockedSeedCipher[]}
  static fromLocked (encodedBytes) {
    const decoded = msgpack.decode(encodedBytes)
    if (!Array.isArray(decoded) || decoded[0] !== 'hcsb0') {
      throw new Error('invalid bundle, got: ' + JSON.stringify(decoded))

    const appData = decoded[2].length ? msgpack.decode(decoded[2]) : {}
    const finishUnlockCb = (secretSeed) => {
      return new UnlockedSeedBundle(secretSeed, appData)

    const outList = []

    // somehow standard is failing to recognize the usage in the loop
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    for (const seedCipher of decoded[1]) {
      if (seedCipher[0] === 'pw') {
        const salt = seedCipher[1]
        const memLimit = seedCipher[2]
        const opsLimit = seedCipher[3]
        const header = seedCipher[4]
        const cipher = seedCipher[5]
        outList.push(new LockedSeedCipherPwHash(finishUnlockCb, salt, memLimit, opsLimit, header, cipher))
      } else if (seedCipher[0] === 'qa') {
        const salt = seedCipher[1]
        const memLimit = seedCipher[2]
        const opsLimit = seedCipher[3]
        const q1 = seedCipher[4]
        const q2 = seedCipher[5]
        const q3 = seedCipher[6]
        const header = seedCipher[7]
        const cipher = seedCipher[8]
        outList.push(new LockedSeedCipherSecurityQuestions(finishUnlockCb, salt, memLimit, opsLimit, [q1, q2, q3], header, cipher))
      } else {
        throw new Error('unrecognized seedCipher type: ' + seedCipher[0])

    return outList

   * You may change the app/user data with this function.
   * @param {object} - appData to associate with bundle
  setAppData (appData) {
    this.appData = appData

   * Zero out the internal secret buffers.
   * WARNING: see class-level note about zeroing / secrets.
  zero () {

   * Derive a subkey / seed from this seed bundle seed.
   * WARNING: see class-level note about zeroing / secrets.
   * @param {number} - derivation subkeyId
   * @param {object} - appData to associate with subseed bundle
   * @returns {UnlockedSeedBundle}
  derive (subkeyId, appData) {
    const next = this.#secret.derive(subkeyId)
    return new UnlockedSeedBundle(next, appData)

   * Encrypt this seed into seed bundle bytes with given
   * seedCipherList - note, all seedCiphers will be zeroed.
   * WARNING: see class-level note about zeroing / secrets.
   * @param {SeedCipher[]} - list of seed ciphers to encrypt into the bundle
   * @returns {Uint8Array}
  lock (seedCipherList) {
    if (!Array.isArray(seedCipherList)) {
      throw new Error('seedCipherList must be an array')

    const encodedSeedCipherList = []

    // somehow standard is failing to recognize the usage in the loop
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    for (const seedCipher of seedCipherList) {
      if (!(seedCipher instanceof SeedCipher)) {
        throw new Error('seedCipher must be instanceof SeedCipher')

    const bundle = [

    return msgpack.encode(bundle)